Journey from Being Conventional Life-Partners to Mod Roomies – Manglam Group | Real Estate Property Developers in Jaipur
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Journey from Being Conventional Life-Partners to Mod Roomies

Its been more than 40 years since we got married, and we are the happiest to announce that we didn’t lose even a fraction of spark between us. And, the credit goes to Manglam’s Tarang for stirring sweetness and freshness in our lives.
We have been busy parents growing up our children, and now they live in metro cities while fulfilling their corporate duties. They have secured their future, and asked us to join them. But being appreciators of peace and growing old in our own accord, we never wanted to leave Jaipur. And, now we enjoy our quality time together without regretting for anything. As soon as, we got free from our responsibilities, we decided to get shifted to Manglam’s tarang apartments due to the ease of accessibility of everything, be it diversified amenities, facilities, and feeling of security.
In our past lives, we never got time for each other, but since the day we shifted to Manglam’s Tarang, it has filled our lives with extreme joy and glee. After coming here, we met many like-minded and same-aged couples, and we began to plan trips together, as well as, started to become part of various couple projects together. This way, we are growing old together without getting bored of each other.
We are able to explore countless unseen sides of each other, and absolutely loving the ways through which we both can surprise to one another as life crosses our paths every day. In the society itself, there are several couple competitions going on, which let us explore the entertaining and lively facets as the time passes by. Other than these, we experiment with our healthy food habits and routine exercise with our other friends, and immix the best of experiences to gain the maximized health benefits. Now, we can clearly understand the idea when people say being fit doesn’t only mean being physically active, but being mentally refreshed also.
We go for walk everyday, compete with each other, fix new targets and proceed to keep ourselves indulged in the activities that benefit both of us. Our children are more than happy to see this side of ours that they had never seen before.
We are amazed with the concept that being at a place that allows you to unleash your inner self, can actually make your heart grow healthy and mind get filled with freshness and happiness.
We cannot thank enough to Manglam Group for the priceless moments it has gifted to us.

Ashwani Manglam
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      221, Mount Olimpus, Rheasilvia, Mars,
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